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David Devant & His Spirit Wife's final gig of the century at the 100 Club

With news that the 100 Club is to be closed, I have pledged to run a feature it in some way every move to do my bit to save the 100 Club. Now that I've got that off me chest, we can focus on David Devant & His Spirit Wife, who are set to play their final gig of the century at their apparent ancestral London home, the 100 Club.

I know not of David Devant & His Spirit Wife other than that Mr Solo (A.K.A. The Vessel), one of their cohort, played a night with us at the Brixton Jamm last winter and went down a treat. As I'm writing this from the confines of a National Express coach I've got no way of listening to them properly, but my meagre knowledge combined with the save the 100 Club effort is good enough for me.

The night kicks off at 7:30pm on Tuesday 21st December 2010 and will set you back an Ayrton Senna (£10 to people that don't know Mousy). According to the t'internet there are tickets still available, so get on board the 100 Club love train.

Other things that you can do to help save the 100 club include; naked wednesdays (in which we all pervade around Oxford St every fourth day of the week throughout the winter months in nothing more than our short and curlies, sorrowful visage & placard proclaiming if the 100 Club is over, the end of the world is nigh); building a barrier of ectoplasmic animosity around the 100 Club safe in the knowledge that the Statue of Liberty is flipping' miles away, or set up a sponsored London to Brighton rally, like in Geneveve, and make enough in donations to buy the 100 Club premises and save it forever a la Empire Records… Suger Highs all round.

Alternatively, www.savethe100club.co.uk has got it's own equally valid suggestions for ways you can help.




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