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Everything in Between, No Age - Album review

Everything in Between No Age
No Age's third album, Everything in Between, is in most parts a loud, fuzzed up hurricane breath of fresh air. While it dips in places, the whole is a brilliant display of noise, souring sounds, beats and ratcheting guitar hits. Their names are class too, with Randy Randall on guitar and Dean Allen Spunt on drums.

Kicking off with Life Prowler, Everything in Between, starts with sharp rush of droning vocal monotony that sounds amazing. Take a look at the bizarre video trailer posted by record label Sub Pop and try to get your head rounds its nutsness.




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The monotone vocals continue on Glitter with wild sounds screeching in the background overlaying a simple beat, which leads in to the hyper speed Forever Dreaming. Both have a Broken Social Scene feel to them, in a way that the recent Broken Social Scene album, Forgiveness Rock Record, didn't quite pull off.

The vocals are a little jarring in a couple of the songs that follow, but Skinned, Katerpiller and Dusted bring it all back with low-fi indie excellence.

Positive Amputation is the mellow interlude to Shed and Transend's guitar thrashing, completing an impressive album. Everything in between in my introduction to No Age, and from what I've heard, I hope to hear a lot more.
