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Veronica Falls Come on Over

Veronica Falls
In the run up to the release of Veronica Falls' self titled debut album, they're releasing their latest song, Come on Over, (which is genuinely class) as a free MP3 download.

If the driving pace, beautiful tones and classic garage guitar on Come on Over are anything to go by, there's a lot to look forward to in the release of Veronica Falls on the 17th October 2011. Released by Bella Union in the UK.


Home     > Music     > News    > Veronica Falls Come on Over free MP3 download

Come on Over has got shades of Nico and The Velvet Underground, without trying to mimic Nico's voice in any way (someone had to say it), combined with fragments of The Beach Boys, Jesus and Mary Chain and The Drums. The video, put together by Army of Kids, is pretty good too.

Veronica Falls is made up of Roxanne Clifford on guitar and vocals, James Hoare on guitar, Marion Herbain who's on bass and Patrick Doyle on drums. They're playing live in London only 4 more times this year (2011), so get in while you can. They're at the XOYO on the 21st July, Field Day at Victoria Park on the 6th August, Dalston Roof Park on the 17th August and The Lexington on the 20th October.

Visit to download Come on Over.

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