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Rome - Jack White & Nora Jones team up on Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi album collaboration

Rome album
With a month or so healing time since the official end of The White Stripes, Jack White is back on the mic with Nora Jones on Danger Mouse and Italian composer Daniele Luppi's upcoming album Rome. The collaboration will be released on the 16th April 2011 and if the first listens on the trailer are anything to go by there are going to be a few class tracks.

The music making process for Rome has been in the wings for more than five years now with Danger mouse and Daniele Luppi heading out to Italy on a yearly basis to bring together a band of senior Italian musicians. Together they put the building block of the album in place and just needed the male and female vocals to complete their original plan.


Home     > Music     > News    > Rome - Jack White, Nora Jones, Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi album collaboration

While Jack White would be a go-to vocal choice for most, Nora Jones probably wouldn't be. I couldn't pick out one of her old tracks if the lyrics had her name repeated on loop into infinity to be honest, but the snippets on the video sound like she was a bit of an inspired choice. While Nora Jones pretty much turned up and sand beautifully, Jack White had a bit of a helping hand with the lyrics. Putting them together with the music already written, he kept whatever sounded good while singing along.

The music itself is inspired by old Italian film scores from Spaghetti Westerns. Hunting down the musicians that recorded the original film scores, Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi have tried to stay as true to the genre as possible. They even put the effort in to get vintage instruments and equipment for each of the tracks.

Rome track list:

Theme of Rome

The Rose with a Broken Neck (Jack White on vocals)

Morning Fog

Season's Trees (Norah Jones on Vocals)

Her Hollow Ways

Roman Blue

Two Against One (Jack White on vocals)

The Gambling Priest

The World

Black (Norah Jones on vocals)

The Matador ha Fallen

Morning Fog

Problem Queen (Norah Jones on vocals)

Her Hollow Ways

The World (Jack White on Vocals)

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