The Trip, BBC 2, opening line
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The Trip (BBC 2) brings Rob Brydon & Steve Coogan together again

The founding fathers of the resurgence of British comedy, Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan, are joining forces once again in the upcoming BBC comedy, The Trip. With Coogan kick starting things with Alan Partidge and Brydon putting in his own twist in Marion and Geoff back in the day, surely The Trip is going to be class personified.

Playing supped up versions of themselves in a food critic restaurant tour of the lake district, the pair will be rolling out a raft of improvised scenes throughout the experimental comedy.

The show is directed by Michael Winterbottom, who also directed them in 2005’s A Cock & Bill Story, in which they once again played twisted versions of themselves. There appears to be a recurring theme forming.

The scene from The Trip that I watched was witty, with some clever impressions of Woody Allen, but it’s not necessarily laugh out loud funny. Hopefully, in and amongst the brainy jokes there’ll be enough natural comedy to make the show likeable. However, if The Trip doesn’t work out there’s always the Rob Brydon Show and Alan Partridge film for them to fall back on. Good to have a plan B! Not Plan B the singer. He’s soul destroying. He’s like a Butlins Holiday Camp singer that thinks he’s trapped in a Guy Richie film. Or a cross between Joe Pasquale and Joe Pesci.

The Trip started on BBC2 at 10pm on Sunday 7th November. There’ll be six episodes.

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