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Super DVD and Blu-ray

Super DVD
Super is not a film for anyone with squeamish tendencies. If you thought that Kick Ass was shocking, wait until you see Super. It's mad as a box of wrenches, which is Rainn Wilson's character's crime fighting weapon of choice.

Frank D'Arbo (Wilson) has got it all, a job he loves and a smoking hot wife, Sarah (Liv Tyler), but when it all goes up in flames thanks to local thug and drug dealer Jacques (Kevin Bacon) D'Arbo losses his mind. Literally in one scene! Fighting to get his wife back he has a bat faced spiritual moment, dons a mental red outfit and turns into the most psychotic super hero cinema has ever seen. Literally, ever! The addition of Libby (Ellen Wilson) as The Crimson Bolt’s sidekick, Boltie, only adds to the insanity.


It gets a little surreally religious at times, verging on right wing hang 'em high tendencies, and it's sort of tough to see whether or not they're meant to be ironic or full on serious (probably ironic), but that kind of contributes to the nuts of the film.

Super is not the kind of DVD or Blu-ray you should watch with your grandma (unless she really really likes the Old Testament school of retribution), but if you like your cinematic fisticuffs on the ultra side of the comic book spectrum then this is about as ultra as it gets.

Super DVD & Blu-ray review: 3.5/5

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