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X Men First Class (2011)

X Men First Class Magneto
With four successful X Men films already created it was inevitable that the prequel to it all would be made at some time. X Man First Class picks up the story before mutants had completely revealed themselves to the rest of the world, a time when Professor X and Magneto were just young men, Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr.

X Men First Class has a cinematic release in the UK on 2nd June 2011 and will set the history for the other X Men films, along with X Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). It stars James McAvoy as Charels Xavier and Michael Fassbender (Band of Brothers) as the would be Magneto, Eric Lensherr.

The plot starts with Charles and Eric as young friends discovering their powers for the first time. With an Armageddon looming thanks to the sinister Hellfire Club, they are forced to work with a host of other mutants to save the world, but it is this that leads to their rift and eventual enmity.


We'll also get to see Beast in action as a youngster too, played by Nicholas Hoult, aka the kid from About a Boy. Other mutants in the X Men First Class include White Queen, who works for the Hellfire Club, the shape shifting Mytique, the insecty Angel, Darwin, who can evolve to react to different situations, Havoc, Banshee and Riptide.

The trailer looks pretty impressive and the blend of fiction with real life historic events is an interesting way to go with the film. Could be good! The X Men First Class movie posters artwork looks class too. Read our X Men First Class review to find out it’s Tuppence score.

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