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Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement – The Chameleon, Nottingham




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Home     > Music     > Live music reviews     > Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement

Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement live at the Chameleon in Nottingham

The Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement are a small three piece band from the dark depths of Hull, but they brought a few sparks of brilliance to the The Chameleon on the weekend. Looking a bit like a young Jack Daniels, singer and guitarist Paul Sarel played the majority of the gig slightly out of tune, but still managed to sound good.

With a drummer standing up pounding along to the right and a bassist to the left, Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement had just the right amount of Velvet Underground to sound cool without sounding like a copy. With a mix of rocking guitar and finger picking, the set was rough class in the Chameleon’s wasteland live music room.

Sadly there is no Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement music on their Myspace page yet, so there’s no way to tell if they’re as good on tape as they were live, but hopefully something will be done about that in the not too distant future.

With their surreal humour (Paul gave each of the other bands a copy of the 2010/2011 Championship Panini sticker album and two packs of stickers) and some great tunes, especially their opening couple of songs, Heroes of the Mexican Independence Movement are a good band to catch if you can.

Review - 4.2/5