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BBC Radio 6 Music is saved!!!

It’s been a long time since the voice of the people had such an impact on the powers that be, but thankfully enough people pushed in the right direction at the right time to save BBC Radio 6 Music.

Throughout the last century, peaceful protests have fuelled some of the most significant changes in policy the world has ever seen. From Ghandi in India to segregation & Vietnamese war protests in the US, the achievements have been massive. While the stakes are not as high as they used to be, there is still plenty to speak up against and the success of the Save 6 Music campaign shows that voices can be heard.

Put before the BBC Trust, the body that represents the interests of the license fee payer, the move to axe the station was deemed not to have a credible case. Thankfully, without the approval of the Trust the move cannot go ahead, so BBC 6 Music has been saved!

For anyone that joined in the Twitter support, marched on the BBC HQ, or spent hours filling in the Trust’s online questionnaire, the news has got to come as a personal victory routed in a significant community group effort to save credible music representation on our national radio. Wolfy would be proud!




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