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Universal Soldier Regeneration DVD and Blu-ray

Universal Soldier Regeneration DVD
Yes, you read right. The mandroids are back, admittedly slightly less shiny skinned, but possibly as bad azz as they ever were. With many working titles being bandied around (Universal Soldier 3 and Universal Soldier: A New Beginning) Universal Soldier: Regeneration has two possible outcomes; either it'll be an amazing revamp of a 90s classic with slight self deprecating undercurrents, or it'll be a disappointing rehash of a once great film that tries too hard on a ropey budget. My heart and the trailer (below) make me dream of the former, but my head tells me not to get me hopes up.

Possibly the most telling piece of information, however, is that Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren and UFC hardman Andrei "The Pitbull" Arlovski's humanoid epic went straight to DVD (and Kinky Winston - Blu-ray - apparently) on the 2nd Feb 2010 for some reason. Bad or good, it'll still be class. However, I'd love to see it at the cinema, so if anyone knows of anywhere planning to show it, get in touch. Alternatively, contact us if you want to join our petition to bring Universal Soldier Regeneration to the big screen. If I get more than 22 brave signatures I reckon I can get them to hook it up at the Stepney Green Genesis.

So anyway, the plot goes that they have to reanimate JCVD to tackle a band of "rogue militia" that have unleashed another Universal Soldier ("The Pitbull") on Chernobyl - not sure why really. However, the plot twist comes when the baddies turn to the frozen He-Man, Ivan Drago legend that is Dolph Lundgren to sway the fight in their favour. That's all I'm going to say, but come on, lets be honest, you can probably guess the rest.

However, none of that matters too much. The reality is that if Stepney Green Genesis come on board on this one and Universal Soldier Regeneration gets a proper showing then I'll be the happiest man this side of Brussels. I just hope that this starts a revival of all their old characters - Ivan Drago's boxing come back against Nikolai Valuev, Kurt Sloan returns to Thailand only to find that Tong Po has killed Zion in the intervening years as well as acquiring new Jedi mind powers that Kurt must overcome, and Lyon (A.W.O.L. Lionheart) Gaultier accidentally bumps into Attilla at a jumble sale in Shoreditch and his long standing animosity towards Lyon erupts into a fight down Brick Lane's back alleys culminating in an even more emphatic flying elbow uppercut finishing move from the Foreign Legion paratrooper through the window of the Duke of Yuke..

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