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The Sasquatch Gang DVD movie review

Despite the fact that The Sasquatch Gang came out way back in 2006, I think it’s definitely worth a mention because it’s one that passed under the radar and deserves a watch or two. The trailer doesn’t do it any justice.

With a Napoleon Dynamite feel to it, The Sasquatch Gang is a sort of coming of age comedy for the less main stream audience that is heart warming, funny and reassuringly centred around accepting everyone for who they are.

The story follows Gavin Gore (Jeremy Sumpter) and his posse of misfits who clash with neighbourhood nut job Zerk Wilder (Justin Long) as they quest to do fantasy battle with one another, prove the existence of the Sasquatch and find young love.

Though predominantly sweet and life-affirming, the film also has more than a few class off beat teen movie comedy moments and most of them centre around Justin Long’s hilarious Zerk Wilder, who along with dim sidekick Shirts reeks havoc on the town and Gore’s gang.
