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Summer Camp stream All I Wonderful Christmas Is You

Summer Camp
2 things. First, IT'S CHRISSSMAAASSS (nice one Slade) and secondly, yes the title for Summer Camp's Christmas hit, All I Wonderful Christmas Is You, is intentional.

It's a great smash-up combining Paul McCartney's classic 1979 song Wonderful Christmastime with Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You. Although, most people don't know that a big shout needs to go to Carla Thomas who put out a song called All I Want for Christmas Is You way back in 1966 (written by A. C. Williams in 1963 on Atlantic Records) with the same name and theme as Carey's. Vince Vance and the Valiants also recorded a song of the same name in 1989.


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It's got Summer Camp's own sound running through everything, which works really well. They released their debut album, Welcome to Condale, earlier in the year filled with nostalgic 80s pop.

The London duo, Elizabeth Sankey and Jeremy Warmsley, will be taking Summer Camp on tour in the spring too. Dates below:


13th – Louisiana, Bristol

14th – The Rainbow, Birmingham

15th – Arts Centre, Norwich

16th – Night and Day, Manchester

17th – Captain’s Rest, Glasgow

19th – The Harley, Sheffield

20th – Portland Arms, Cambridge

21st – Scala, London

Happy Christmas everyone!