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Straylings plan for the release of Entertainment on Foreign Grounds

Strayilings, Carver's Kicks
Bahraini/Austrian/London duo, Straylings have just released the first listen to their upcoming single release, Carvers Kicks, in the build up to the launch of their debut album, Entertainment on Foreign Grounds, later this year. Dark atmospherics dominate on the track, giving it a raw sound that hasn’t been seen much since Them Crooked Vultures.

The big difference though is the spiralling female vocals of singer songwriter Dana Zeera, who sounds like a cliff face mix of Karen O, Juliet Lewis and Alison Mosshart. The music is powered by The Veils guitarist, Oliver Drake, and while there’s nothing particularly new or stunning to it, it acts as a good backdrop to Zeera’s voice.

Entertainment on Foreign Grounds is out on the 5th March 2012 along with the single, Carvers Kicks. Their 2011 debut EP had some pretty good praise from Steve Lamacq (‘Fantastic…’) and Huw Stevens (‘A Brilliant London band…’), and Straylings played their first UK gig at the Camden Barfly earlier in January, so it should be on the good side.

You can listen to Carver’s Kicks at


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