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Free download of Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Tigers

Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks
This is a song that we started to listen to a while ago, but sadly the sands of time moved too quickly and we didn’t get around to it (special thanks go to my dad for the term “the sands of time”, which he used recently to refer to them catching up with Harry Redknap, “the sands of time are catching up with Harry”. It was cold!). Luckily, we’ve just stumbled on this free download file of Tigers that Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks have put up on the Domino Records website (link below), which is a pretty good thing for all of us.

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The video is class, featuring one of the best kids tiger costumes on a grown man I’ve ever seen. The song’s been getting a fair amount of radio play on the likes of BBC Music, along with their new single Senators (what does he want?), so if it sounds kind of familiar, that’ll be it.

Tigers came out alongside their new album Mirror Traffic, which was produced by Beck, at the end of August. It continues the massive contribution Malkmus has made to the underground indie scene since the 1980s.

The Pavement legend has also just completed a tour of the UK with the Jicks, with the final gig at Koko in Camden. However, hopefully they’ll be back next year with more live dates, along with a re-reunion tour for Pavement.

Click here to download Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks’ Tigers for free.