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Ringo Starr to release Ringo 2012

Ringo 2012
Peace and indeed love. Ringo Starr is back with his 17th solo studio album and with a name like Ringo 2012, it's sort of hard to guess what it's going to be like. The previous 16 haven't necessarily set the world alight, but you can never write a Beatle off entirely, so maybe it's be some level of good.

The man that game us With A Little Help From My Friends, Don't Pass Me By, and Octopus' Garden has teamed up with Eurythmics's Dave Stewart, Joe Walsh from Eagles and Benmont Tench, the original keyboard player of Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers as guest performers on the album, which could imply that there will be a good helping of good music involved.

However, right now there's nothing to go on, so we'll have to reserve judgement until January 30th 2012 for the release of Ringo 2012. Sadly, he seems to be taking his style advice from perverts anonymous, but hopefully that won't impact on the music.

Apparently, classic blues, soul, country, honky-tonk and rock 'n' roll will feature as inspiration to the music. The peace and love incident aside, Ringo Starr is one of only 2 Beatles left, so Ringo 2012 needs to deliver a little of the old magic. Fingers crossed.

Ringo 2012 track listing:

1. Anthem

2. Wings

3. Think It Over

4. Samba

5. Rock Island Line

6. Step Lightly

7. Wonderful

8. In Liverpool

9. Slow Down


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