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PYYRAMIDS put out a great new video for single, Don’t Go

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Don’t Go is PYYRAMIDS’ second single from their debut EP, Human Beings, and the video they’ve just released for it is class. With a puppet like moving set and props and a little girl starring role, it’s probably as cute as a video can get without being wet.

PYYRAMIDS is the combined efforts of Tim Nordwind (bassist from OK Go) and singer Drea Smith and if Don’t Go is anything to go by, it’s a pairing that’s got a lot of potential.


The single itself has great vocals from Drea Smith and is lit most vibrantly in the dark guitar middle section. The war paint drums throughout Don’t Go are the driving force of the song and they’re propped up with inevitably stylish bass lines, Eno inspired electro sounds and flashes of crunching electric guitar.

PYYRAMIDS released its 6 song debut EP Human Beings last October on digital download and vinyl and the new video for Don’t Go is a great new addition.