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Peaking Lights release new video, Hey Sparrow

Peaking Lights
From their much acclaimed debut album, 936, Peaking Lights had put together a new video for Hey Sparrow that is filled with childhood innocence and freedom.

There's also a surreal feel to both the track and the video, with odd paces, swirling sounds, a psychedelic surf mix and vaguely haunting vocals that sound like they could have been formed by taking Nico, Maureen Tucker and Meg White and passing them through a sausage machine with a spider web for skin.


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One look at the band (pictured above left) will tell you that slightly surreal and hard to fathom is about as close a definition of Peaking Lights as you will get. Duo band members Aaron Coyes & Indra Dunis are collectively know as A.C.I.D from the look of their Facebook page, so maybe Ken Casey's at the heart of it all.

Peaking Lights will also be instore at Rough Trade East on the 9th December 2011, as well as playing the the Death Institute, Manchester, on the 10th.