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Lissy Trullie, Madeleine

Lissy Trully, Madeleine
Former model Lissy Trullie has just put Madeleine, the first track release from her upcoming self titled debut album, up for free download. It’s got a lot of hazy fuzz and hints of Nico days Velvet Underground, but with enough modern sounds and unique vocals to make it new.

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There’s some great slow synth in the background and other electric additions that make it the lush musical adaptation that it is. Changeable, but brilliantly droning, Madeleine is a pretty impressive preview of Lizzie Trully.

The song builds on Trullie’s 2009 EP release, Self Taught Learner, and hopefully it’s a sign of good things for the entire forthcoming album. Released on the 5th March 2012, Lizzie Trullie was recorded with John Hill of Santigold and MIA fame and David Sitek (Yeah Yeah Yeahs).

Click on the Free MP3 Dowload button above to get Lizzie Trullie’s Madeleine. Hopefully, there’ll be a UK tour next year to go with the album launch.