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Big Deal, Chair

Big Deal, Chair on Lights Out
Names are a bit hit and miss for Big Deal and new single, Chair, isn't going to win any "best song title" awards. However, what it does have in it's favour is Alice Costelloe's vocals, which you can't help falling in love with.

With semi-husky sweet tones she sort of winds you around her finger as she unfolds the song in complete opposition to the downtrodden lyrics. Bandmate Kacey Underwood's darker vocals completes the boy girl duo.


Home     > Music     > EP and Single reviews    > Big Deal, Chair

Chair isn't an instantly likeable track though. The first time i heard it, along with a few other Big Deal songs, I discounted it a bit. However, it's got a way of getting under your skin and getting you to come back. Whether it's the juxtaposition of sweetness and misery, soft tones and bitten vocals or the weaving story-like quality of the song, something about it works like a draw.

The interplay of lightly played acoustic and fluff-fuzzed electric guitars underpins it all well and fits the context of the song perfectly. Out on the 22nd August, Chair sets the stage for Big Deal's upcoming album, Lights Out (released no the 29th August 2011).


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