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Bagel pizza with courgette recipe

Approx. cost £2.00 per serving (serves 2)

Fruit & veg count - 1.5

Bagel pizza ingredients:

Bagel pizza recipe

  1. 4 bagels (variety of choice)

  2. Tomato puree

  3. Cheese - either cheddar,
        mozzarella or brie

  4. 1 courgette

  5. 1 tbls olive oil

  6. Mixed herbs

  7. Ground pepper

Bagel pizza with courgette tastes amazing, looks ace and takes not much time to put together. It's class as a snack or tea after a soul destroying day in work, when you get home and you want something other than a ready meal, but you don't have the energy to make a big meal.

  1. 1.Slice the courgette and fry it over a medium to high heat in the olive oil.

  1. 2.Once one side of the courgette has browned, turn them over and cut the bagel in half.

  1. 3.Put the bagel halts (across, not down the middle) into a toaster and this should give you just enough time to toast the bagels and brown the other side of the courgette slices.

  1. 4.Once that's done, remove the courgette from the heat and spread tomato puree onto the flat side of each of the bagel halves.

  1. 5.Lay the courgette out on top of the tomato puree and cover with slices of cheese, a sprinkling of mixed herbs and a twist or two of ground pepper before grilling them all to bubbling perfection.