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Bacon basil spaghetti with a kick

Approx. cost - £3.27 a head

Fruit n veg count - 3

Ingredients (per person):

  1. 1/2 onion

  2. 1/2 clove garlic

  3. 4 rashers of unsmoked bacon cut into strips

  4. 1 handful of basil finely chopped

  5. 2 flat top mushrooms chopped roughly

  6. 3 tomatoes skinned and chopped in large chunks

  7. A sprinkling of mixed herbs

  8. A pinch of chilli powder

  9. Spaghetti (as much as you can hold between your thumb and index finger when they’re touching)

  10. Olive oil

  11. Salt & pepper

  12. Cheese (parmesan and mature cheddar work well)

  1. 1. Chop the onion, heat a splash of olive oil in a saucepan with the chilli powder (the kick) and start the onion cooking on a medium heat.

  1. 2. Sprinkle on the mixed herbs and cut up the bacon into strips before adding them to the pan with the onions.

  1. 3. While they’re both cooking, chop or press the garlic and add to the saucepan and give everything a good stir with a little salt and pepper for seasoning.

  1. 4. The best thing to do next is to get the pasta on the boil. That’ll act as the 10-12 minute timer for the rest of the sauce cooking. I cook my pasta in a little salt and olive oil for taste and texture, but it’s your call.

  1. 5. Chop the mushrooms roughly and add them to the saucepan along with the finely chopped basil (ready chopped basil in oil works really well in this). If the sauce is boiling, then turn the heat down low.

  1. 6. Remove the skin from the tomatoes if you want to and cut them up into eighths and stir them into the sauce, which should be looking really rich by this stage.

  1. 7. Once  the pasta is just about cooked, drain off the water and return to the pan. Remove the sauce from the heat and stir into the spaghetti, making sure you spread it around well.

  1. 8. Plate up the bacon basil spaghetti with a kick and shave parmesan or mature cheddar cheese over the top to taste.

  1. 9. If you don’t faff around too much, you should be able to get this on the plate in half an hour

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