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Bacon & mushroom toasty sandwich

Approx. cost - £2.27 a head

Fruit n veg count - 1

Ingredients (per person):

  1. 1 small clove garlic

  2. 3 rashers of unsmoked bacon cut into strips

  3. 2 flat top mushrooms chopped in 5mm slices

  4. Olive oil

  5. Salt & pepper

  6. 4 slices of bread (ideally brown, wholemeal, granary or seed)

  7. Cheese (parmesan and mature cheddar work well)

  8. Tommy K

This tasty sandwich is a good way of using up some of the ingredients you might not have finished from the recipe for bacon basil pasta with a kick.

  1. 1. Cut the mushrooms into 5mm thick slices and lob them into a frying pan with a good helping of olive oil on a high heat.

  1. 2. Put the oven on 200°c and finely chop the garlic, before adding it to the mushrooms with a little salt and pepper.

  1. 3. After a few minutes on each side of the mushroom slices, take them out of the pan and put them on a plate and into the oven.

  1. 4. Next, return the saucepan to the heat and lay out the bacon for a good frazzling. Give them a good blast until they’re fairly crispy and then put them in the oven on top of the mushrooms to let the bacon juices get amongst the fungus.

  1. 5. Get the bread into the toaster and while that’s on the go, slice up the cheese.

  1. 6. Spread up the toast and start layering on the filling. I went with a bacon, mushroom, cheese, flying uppercut combo.

  1. 7. Top it off with the ketchup for an easy brekkie, brunch, lunch, dinner, tea, snack feast that shouldn’t take much longer than fifteen minutes to bosh together.

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