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Arthur (2011) DVD & Blu-ray

Arthur DVD
The original Arthur, starring the legendary Dudley Moore, is one of the best rom-coms to skip out of the eighties, so the prospect of a 2011 remake was met with blisteringly low expectations and a general mood of savage annoyance at the effrontery of the skip rats putting it together. It's like remaking Blade Runner, or Ghostbusters, or Ferris Beullers Day Off, or even Karate Kid (seriously, unforgivable!). Why meddle with perfection.

That said, Arthur 2011 turned out to be a lot more sympathetic than it was given credit for. It has somehow managed to recapture a lot of the charm, wit and style of the original film to bring back an ingenious story for a new generation. Although the trailer doesn’t really do it justice.


Russell Brand does a good job of reprising the role of Arthur and Helen Mirren (The Tempest) transgenders the lovably cutting butler Hobson (played brilliantly by Sir John Gielgud in the 1981 original) really well. Nick Nolte and Jennifer Garner make a pretty good business-evil father and daughter pairing too.

While the ending doesn't quite do the rest of the film justice, Arthur (2011) is still a genuinely enjoyable film to watch on DVD and Blu-ray. There's a good amount of laughs, at least one moment that would make even Kim Jong-il well up and the massively endearing Greta Gerwig (Greenberg) playing Arthur's love interest Naomi. Extras include a gag reel and some of the scenes that didn't make it through the cutting room.

Arthur (2011) has a DVD & Blu-ray release date of the 19th September 2011.

Arthur (2011) DVD & Blu-ray review: 3.8/5

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