Save the Tiger

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13th October 2010

With as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild, and numbers falling, it’s time to put serious pressure on governments to stem the downward spiral and save the tiger. Poaching and habitat loss are the biggest culprits affecting the decline of wild tiger numbers and your voice can easily add to the weight of the argument for immediate action.

The global tiger summit was postponed back in September to give Russia more time to get senior government attendance buy-in from all tiger range countries. This has given the WWF more time to add names to its petition to put pressure on political decision makers to save the tiger.

If you haven’t already signed the petition, go to

The estimated number of tigers in captivity in Texas frighteningly matches that of wild tiger numbers, which makes the current protection procedures a bit of a joke. Clearly a lot needs to be done by governments to do more to save the tiger. For example the South China tiger is already believed to be extinct in the wild (although other sources believe that there are 20 left in the wild), and while there is a number of re-wilding programmes underway, their success is contingent upon governments doing more to stop habitat loss and poaching.

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