Broken Bells release date
Tuppence Magazine

Danger Mouse and James Mercer announce Broken Bells album release date

The collaboration project between Danger Mouse - aka Brian Burton - and The Shins’ James Mercer - aka the new Penfold (bad cartoon joke, inward groan) - is about to hit the airwaves. Broken Bells is both the name of the new band and the name of the new album and has a release date of the 8th March.

It will apparently feature only real instruments, so Danger Mouse’s trademark samples have clearly been left on the shelf for a more natural sound. A proper old school band is what we’re going to be graced with and in a music world filled with poor bands that do well, I’ll be glad to see something new mixing it up.

The album has been produced by Danger Mouse as well, so expect it to be as professional as they come considering his previous production credentials include Gorillas, Gnarls Barkley and Beck.

With ten tracks laid down and a first single, The High Road, scheduled to preview on the band’s website on Monday 21st Dec 2009, it kind of looks like it’s all coming together for the band.

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