To give you some pointers on how to get all of the light beams angled in the right direction, our Lightning Temple guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom should help you make it to the Queen Gibdo boss once again. She’s out front blocking the entrance when you arrive, but it’s just a quick taster of the full fight that comes from the source of the Regional Phenomena in the sand.
You’ll need to gain entrance to the Lightning Temple to begin with, so we’ll start with how to get in and the opening tunnels that lead from there. Once you get through all of that you’ll eventually make it to the Room of Ascension, which is where the main puzzles kick in.
AdvertisementAs with the Wind, Water and Fire Temple before it, you’ll need to solve a series of mechanisms to get through to the boss fight. This time it’s light beam switches to trigger the elevator, which will take you up to where Queen Gibdo is lying in wait, so we’ll cover that in the following section.
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How to get into the Lightning Temple
Once you’ve raised the Lightning Temple up from the sand, you’ll have your first confrontation with the boss as she’s guarding the entrance. Use Riju’s ability to smash the big purple mass at the door and the big insect will burst out and set about attacking you.
You can read our Queen Gibdo guide if you’re struggling to get past the initial phases, but the general gist is that you use Riju’s lightning to bring down it’s protection and then you can damage it with normal attacks. It’s a similar process as with the standard Gibdos where elemental damage (lightning and fire) make them susceptible to damage.
AdvertisementOnce you bring the Queen Gibdo down with Riju’s move you can run around the whirlwinds and get in close to do some damage. You can also use Gibdo fused arrows to do some goo ranged damage with head shots, which should see you scaring off the killer queen, leaving you free to defeat the normal Gobdos and head on in to the Lighting Temple.
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How to get through the opening corridors of the Lightning Temple
On the inside of the Lightning Temple, use the korok leaf to blow the sand out of the way and trip the floor switch to get through to the next section, picking up the chest as you go. After you get across the walkway on the other side, you can either skip the pickups or move the blocks and smash the pots to get arrows and a chest with Topaz inside.
This can come in handy against the Queen Gipdo later on, so it’s worth the effort, especially if you’re cool with the duplication glitch so you can turn one into many. In the next room along, the floor falls, leading to a lightning Keese, so be ready to shoot it down and add the materials to your arsenal, again for the temple boss fight. You can also move the cover on the crypt and use Ascent to get back up to the top.
Use Sidon’s ability to get through the flames or just get your timing right. Trip the floor switch and time your run with Recall on the flaming ball to make it through. Again, you can use Sidon’s ability for protection, which you pick up at the Water Temple if you’ve been to Zora already in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
AdvertisementStep on the switch to open the door and let Riju through, and head on to the room with the Gibdo hive. Destroy everything with a combination of the lightning move and standard attacks and you’ll get a Gerudo Bow from under the slab at the bottom.
Head up the path from here and you’ll have a tough construct to fight at the top. Head shot and attack to finish it quick. You can then use the reflector and hold it high with TotK’s Ultrahand in the beam of light to shine it at the gleaming switch above the door. This will see you through the opening sections of the Lightning Temple and into the Room of Ascension.
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Lightning Temple battery #1
Use Ultrahand to take the block out of the floor to give you an updraft to ride to the top. Take out the construct and use the korok fan to blow away the sand. Climb into the room with the light in it, attach the reflector to the stone block and position it to send the light back out into the central area.
If you’re not too sure how to do this you can pick up the video walkthrough guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom’s Lightning Temple below at 23:00. Head back out and move the slider blocking the light and then attach the reflector to it to fire it to the moveable column to the left as you leave the room.
This will then fire it up to the other side and if you move it a little using Ultrahand the light beam will fall on the sensor switch and open a way below it. Climb up and drop down the hole at the end with the glider to pass through the flames without getting singed.
At the bottom you’ll get the first of the batteries to activate and you can do this with a Riju lightning shot. This will send power to the elevator and you’ll have three more to do.
Lightning Temple battery #2
To get the second of the Lightning Temple batteries, head back up to the top using the updraft and your glider. This time, move the sliding column next to the light room to reflect it to the right. Follow it to the next column on the right and pull it to catch the light and angle it down to the sensor switch.
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You’ll then open a new path under the sensor and you can use the glider to get over to it and defeat all of the constructs and Gibdos in the room beyond. Once they’re clear, you can attach the reflector to the floating block with Ultrahand and head up to take it further by moving the them in sequence to get higher.
AdvertisementYou can see this section for yourself in the video above at 32:00. When you get it to the top you can use the reflector to shine the light at the sensor, which opens the gates below to the second of the batteries. Use Riju to charge up the batter and that’s another one down.
Lightning Temple battery #3
For the third of the Lightning Temple batteries in TotK, use the updraft in the Room of Ascension to get to the top again and this time you want to pickup the loose reflector and take it to the opposite side as the light room.
Use Ultrahand to turn it into position to angle downwards to the sensor underneath the room where the light beam comes from. You can then go through the new passageway that opens and place the stone block between the spikes to protect you through to the other side.
Pull out a stone block to do the same again and defeat the constructs. Drop down to the light source and use the wall spike to stop the rotation before using the reflector to activate the sensor. This will open the hatch above, so send up one of the spikes by fixing it to the top, Ascent up with Link and use it to stop the falling spikes.
AdvertisementYou should then be free to use the reflector to send the light beam at the last sensor, which will see you through to the 3rd battery to activate with Riju’s lightning. If you need to see this in action you can catch it around 41:42 in the video above.
Lightning Temple battery #4
The last of the Lightning Temple batteries in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom requires you to use Ultrahand to remove the stone blocks on the ground floor of the Room of Ascension. Walk through the gap that you open and you’re through on goal.
Get Riju to activate the battery and then you can head on back to the Zonai panel with full power. Trigger the elevator and you’ll head on up to take on the Queen Gibdo.
How to defeat the Lightning Temple boss
The process to defeat the Lighting Temple boss is similar to that discussed at the start of the guide. Use Riju’s move to bring it down and make it vulnerable, get past the whirlwinds and get in your damage.
It gets a little tougher in the second phase with all of the Gibdo hives coming into play. You can either take these out and shelter in the light to wait for the next Riju blast, or you can just go straight for Queen Gibdo as fast as possible.
As mentioned above, head shots with a Gibdo fused arrow does a lot of damage and you can also use Topaz to boost your odds of getting in your shots on the queen. You can see the fight in full with the video below.
Check out our full guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for more help to get the most out of the game. You can also see our computer games section for more news and features on TotK, or visit The Legend of Zelda website at