
The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening Switch fishing tips

The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening Switch fishing tips

There’s a lot to do in The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening on the Nintendo Switch, but one of the earliest challenges in the game is the fishing section of Mabe Village, so here are our tips on how to catch everything in the water. This includes the hidden glass bottle at the bottom, the crazy Blooper and the high-jumping Cheep Cheep, which will give you everything that you can get from the mini game.


General fishing tips

You’ll start out in the fishing game with just one lure and in all fairness it’s all you really need to catch everything, but as you get further through the process you’ll get heavier lures that will make it easier to catch things towards the bottom, because they sink quicker. 

To start with, the game gives you the general instructions to fishing in The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening, but this really won’t get you very far even with the smallest fish you’ll come up against.

You essentially cast the lure by pressing and holding A. The longer you hold A the further you cast the hook out into the water, which will be triggered as soon as you release the button. When it lands, the lure will start to sink towards the bottom and you can then use the left analog stick to move it to the right or up and leave it to let it sink further.

Essentially, what you’re trying to do is to get as close as possible to the fish that you are trying to catch, but if it’s much further away then you can always start reeling it in by pressing A speed up the process. When you do get close to the fish try to get the lure to dangle in front of it. This will then trigger it to take a nibble initially, followed by a full bight and as soon as you get a fish on the hook you want to press A to start hauling it in.

This will then start the reeling process, which is pretty much the same for all fish, but you can see the minor differences for the Blooper, the bottle and the Cheep Cheep in the sections below. When the fish isn’t fighting the line press A repeatedly to reel it in closer to Link, but as soon as it starts to move against the line then you need to stop smashing the A button.


However, this alone will just give the fish too much space and time to run away, so the best tip for this is just to press the A button a couple of times as the fish is pulling against the line. This will get it to turn around quicker and stop it from running away too fast, which will help you to get it closer to the edge to complete the catch.

If you’re struggling with this or you’re not too sure what it looks like you can check out the video below to see the A tap tip in action. Repeat this process until you catch the fish.

How to catch blooper

To catch Blooper you essentially follow the same processes as the general fishing tips above, but instead of looking for when it fights the line you’re essentially looking for when it swishes away from the line. Whenever it looks like it’s about to swish away stop hitting the A button and let it go and then as soon as it stops that motion go back to smashing be A button to draw it closer to you.

Be particularly careful when you get close to the edge, because there is an increased chance with a Blooper that it will break the line near the surface. Here it’s better to be cautious and stop hitting the A button any time you think it’s going to make a move. You can see this for yourself in the video below.

How to catch Cheep Cheep

As with the Blooper the Cheep Cheep can be caught using the same tips from the general fishing section above, but this time you’re looking for both fighting against the line and it’s jump into the air. For fighting against the line, use the A tap tip above, but whenever it starts the motion to jump into the air you need to stop reeling completely and let it get back to its former position before you start to reel it in again.

You can watch the video below to see how this plays out.

Tips to get the glass bottle

No matter what lure you’re using its best to clear a good number of the fish out of the way before you try to catch the glass bottle. The most important ones to clear are the big one that skims the bottom close to the bottle and the ones just underneath where Link stands. With these out of the way you can hook the glass bottle even with the lightest lure, but you’ll definitely find it easier with the heavier one, which you get from catching the Blooper. This will sink to the bottom and faster and stay down more as you manoeuvre over to the bottle. 

It’s easy enough to hook, but the problem is the other fish will break your line any time they see the bottle moving close to them, which is why it’s a good idea to get rid of so many of the other fish before you tackle this.

The best tip is to real it in when the fish are turned away from you. Smash the A button to get past them and repeat until you bring it in to link.


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