With the arrival of the game and earlier trailer reveals from Sony PlayStation, we’ve got all the details on the Spider-Man 2 PS5 bosses. The list below will take you through everything that you’ll have to face in the main campaign and beyond, covering all of the big villains, along with the all important final boss fight.
We’ll also add in a notes on other potential bosses based on the details revealed in the trailer and where they might fit into the next game in the series. Prior to the launch of Marvel’s Spider-Man on the PS5, there was plenty of dialogue to hint at the true villains not directly featured in the video footage, so there’s plenty to dig into.
AdvertisementIt was a similar case with both Marvel’s Spider-Man in 2018 and then Miles Morales in 2020 where the trailers kept things low key in terms of reveals. They both turned out to include some big name bosses in the latter half, and the third game in the series goes a similar way.
Obviously, we can’t talk you through all of the bosses and how to defeat them without revealing a few of the details from the story. So, if you don’t want any spoilers then you really shouldn’t be on a page like this, but consider this the point of no return.
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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 bosses in order of appearance
AdvertisementAs things stand there are seven main bosses in the campaign story for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on the PS5 and an optional boss to be found the The Flame side missions. There were six main campaign bosses in Marvel’s Spider-Man, with a few repeats along the way, but just four in Miles Morales, again with a little duplication.
The PS5 timed-exclusive veers closer to the 2018 game and gives us a bigger number of villains to face. One of the big-name bosses in Spider-Man 2 has a second fight, but it’s very different from the first, which we’ll cover in more detail below.
Let us know which of the bosses is your favorite in the comments at the bottom of the page.
1. Sandman
The final TV advert and launch trailer for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 confirmed Sandman to the list of bosses. He’s the biggest enemy we’ve had to fight to-date, so expect it to be very impressive. It’s definitely one you want a manual save before so you can replay the boss fight, because the game isn’t like the previous title where you were able to replay missions after completing the game.
You can see how to defeat Sandman in the video below:
You’ll fight Sandman pretty much as soon as the game starts, following a similar tradition of kicking things off with a boss mission in Marvels’ Spider-Man 2018 and again in Miles Morales in 2020. It isn’t that tough, so you should be able to tough it out, but if you do need some pointers or just want to watch the boss fight again, the video above will come in handy.
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2. Kurt Conners / The Lizard
The scientist was first revealed at the end of Miles Morales tending to Harry Osbourne, but things changed when Kraven injects him with a serum that reactivated his Lizard genes in Spider-Man 2 PS5. We initially thought he might have tried his regenerative formula on himself in a bid to cure Harry, but it turns out that it’s Kraven trying to bag a new big prize for his wall.
The key to being able to defeat him is to trap him in the floor and wall sections that can be pulled with L1 and R1. This will give you a lot of free hits. Good dodge and parry timing will help a lot too and then it’s just a case up building up your abilities and unleashing them for big damage.
We saw The Lizard for the first time in the action sequence during the gameplay reveal, which featured a lot of The Lizard as Peter and Miles are trying to keep him safe from Kraven the Hunter, who is on the lookout for bosses to mount on his wall. They talk about the doctor being the only one who can save Harry, so that’s their motivation to keep him safe.
We didn’t get to see the boss fight with The Lizard in the trailer, but he goes on to be the second main story boss that you fight. At the end of the Spider-Man 2 PS5 gameplay trailer, Pete tells Miles that he’s going to go after The Lizard on his own, so it was a good indicator that you fight him alone with some added Venom symbiote power for good measure.
Advertisement3. Mr. Negative
In addition to Sandman, the TV spot and launch trailer also confirmed that you get to fight Mr. Negative once again. He was one of the big bosses in Marvel’s Spider-Man back in 2018 before Pete managed to defeat him in a bid to get back the cure for the Devil’s Breath serum. He returns again as a target for Kraven the Hunter and you have to fight him as part of the No Escape mission.
As with a lot of the bosses in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the key to Mr Negative is landing the dodges and zipping in to do some damage, cycling through your ability moves along the way. He adds in a wave attack, that you’ll need to jump, so keep an eye out for that.
You don’t need the parry until your get to the second phases of the fight, but if you’re struggling with the window you can either change it in the settings or just jump to avoid the yellow move. In the third phase you’ll need to use Venom powers to bring down his barrier to be able to damage him.
After you defeat him in the three stages of the main boss battle, he’ll draw you into the Negative Realm and you’ll need to chase him down and defeat his legion of enemies. Make it through this with a whole lot of dodging and aerial juggle attacks and you’ll be done.
4. Kraven the Hunter
AdvertisementThe Hunter is out for big game blood and while The Lizard is firmly in his sights, he’s also got his eye on a couple of Spider-Man trophies. Again, we don’t get to see either of them fighting him, but it seems like a foregone conclusion that he’ll be one of Spider-Man 2 PS5’s main bosses.
If anything, he might show up a few times throughout the game. It would be cool to fight him three different ways due to his varying attack options. Alone as Peter and then Miles in slightly different setups would work well and then a massive blowout switching between the two would be an epic way to close out this arc in the story.
Kraven has a second boss fight, which you take on later on in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and this time around you’ll be playing as Venom. It’s a much easier fight than the first with the added strength of true Venom power, so you should be able to stomp your way to defeating him.
5. Peter
If you’ve seen the trailer then you were probably expecting Peter to be one of the bosses, because of how he was acting in the Venom suit and it takes place straight after the first fight with Kraven the Hunter.
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6. Scream
AdvertisementScream is a symbiote offshoot of Venom and you take her on in the suburbs of Queens. She’s got four phases to make it through and you’ll need your dodge and parry skills, along with good timing on the environmental alarms to be able to bring her down.
7. Venom
While there wasn’t and definitive proof that Venom was going to be one of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5’s bosses, it was always a solid bet. If you’d only watched the gameplay trailer it’s easy to be unsure of how things lie, but if you dug a little deeper with PlayStation, there was always a lot of confirmation.
In the trailer, all you see is Peter swinging around with his Venom suit on, so that was also the hint that we’d get to fight Pete when he’s overtaken by his alien invader. However, if you look at the statue included with the Collector’s Edition you can see both Peter and Miles battling a much larger Venom.
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Venom is one of the repeated bosses, sort of, with Miles having to subdue Spider-Venom earlier on in the game before we got to take Venom out for a spin to see off Kraven the Hunter. Later, for the final boss fight, you get to fight Venom with his previous host, Harry Osbourne, as Peter, Miles and MJ try to save their buddy.
AdvertisementYou can see how to defeat Venom in the video below, but it’s a grueling battle, as you’d expect for the final boss fight. You’ll need to get your dodge and parry timing right and be ready with abilities to boost the damage, while constantly working up heals to stay in the game.
Optional boss – Wraith
The option boss, Wraith, can be unlocked by playing through the four The Flame side missions with Yuri. It’s a tough fight, but the key is getting her in the air and landing good parries to defeat her and get a cool teaser for another potential future boss.
Hints for more Spider-Man bosses still to come
If you’ve complete Miles Morales or paid particular attention to the dialogue in the gameplay trailer for Spider-Man 2 PS5 then you’ll know that Harry Osboure and his dear old dad Norman are in the mix too. This is a pretty big sign that we might just get the Green Goblin as one of the bosses.
However, Norman was in Marvel’s Spider-Man in 2018 and there was no boss fight or big mention of his alter ego, so it could be another red herring. There are a lot of big villains in the mix already and it looks like we’re building to Venom being the main big bad, so they might be saving Garbie for the next game.
You could look at the green poison clouds that Kraven the Hunter fires at Peter Parker and say they’re another possible sign that we’ll get double G. As a result, we’re keeping it in as a maybe for now, but we’ll probably have to wait for the release date to come around to know for sure.
It was a similar situation in Miles Morales with mention of his Venom ability, but this turned out to be a nod to the credits reveal of Harry and Venom. From this, a possible option is for the game to focus on defeating Kraven and a breakaway Venom, while also saving Harry. When this goes wrong, somehow, we get a tease for the next game to feature Green Goblin.
AdvertisementReturning to more run of the mill bosses, we’re also expecting at least one or two smaller villains to be in the mix. Marvel’s Spider-Man had Shocker and Miles Morales had Prowler, so there’s bound to be one or two in the PS5 sequel.
Sandman has recently been confirmed, but Mysterio is probably too big to be thrown away and would fit well with Green Goblin in the next game. Hammerhead is a random shout, but a more likely answer is to see a return for previous bosses like Tombstone or Taskmaster.
That covers all of the bosses we’ve got on our list for Spider-Man 2 PS5 for now, but if we get any more footage or hints then we’ll add them in. The release date is set for October, so we’ll add in strategy notes for how to beat all of them when they game is out.
You can also check out our computer games section to keep tabs on the game. Visit the official Spider-Man PS5 webpage at https://insomniac.games/game/marvels-spider-man-2/ for more details.