Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 is out and having smashed our way through the game, here’s our list of the bosses ranked from best to worst. With a slightly increased number of boss fights to take on in the 3rd entry in the series compared to the first game, and way more than Miles Morales, there’s a decent amount to take in.
Obviously, it’s impossible to give you a list of the bosses ranked from best to worst without giving away details about the later phases of the game. If you don’t want to find out about the final boss fight or some of the other bosses that you take on then now’s the time to swing out of here.
AdvertisementWith more bosses, comes the added pressure of getting things right with the fights and Insomniac Games has done a good job of delivering some memorable battler in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. However, the distribution of bosses is very skewed to the latter phases of the game, so expect to go through a lot of the action with just the opening boss fight under your belt.
There is an optional boss in MSM2 and we’ve included it in our ranked list below. If you want to you can hunt it out during the early part of your play through to increase the number of bosses you get to fight in the first half of the game, so check out the details for Wraith below.
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Spider-Man 2 PS5 bosses ranked best to worst:
#1 Venom, AKA the final boss fight
The good news is that the final boss fight for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 lives up to expectations. Venom is a beast and with four phases to make it through you’ll really need to dig deep to defeat him with his fast combos that change regularly and AOE move that can cover the entire floor of the platform that you’re fighting him on.
AdvertisementYou can check it out in full in the video below, which is definitely worth a watch for all of the cutscenes, which look amazing and add to the impact of the final boss fight. The added emotion of Venom being Harry makes for a fraught battle for both Pete and Miles and it all comes together for an ending that leaves you wanting more.
The good news is that there are quite a few teasers throughout Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 that hint at the future of the series, and some of this builds from the Venom fight. We’re pretty sure that there are going to be at least two more games in the series with a follow up to Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales and the sequel to 2.
However it all shakes out, we’ll undoubtedly need to fight Carnage following The Flame story arc at some point in the future. If that isn’t enough, we know that Miles is going solo a bit after beating Venom and then we’ve got the whole Harry, Norman, Green Goblin and Doctor Octavius thing still to deal with.
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#2 Kraven the Hunter 1st boss fight
The first of the two Kraven bosses is by far the best. We’ll get to the second alter down our ranked list, but here he’s an absolute beast. He’s not as tough as Venom, or Scream, and maybe even Peter too, but he’s got some big hits none the less.
He’s just as fast as Venom and his smoke bomb, axe spear attack combo is one to look out for. Once you know what to expect it’s not that difficult to avoid.
The game has been teeing up the first fight with Kraven the Hunter since the early stages of the game, so there’s a lot of build-up to it all. It feels good to return fire after all of the grief he’s dished out throughout the first half of Spider-Man 2.
#3 Scream
This is the most surprising of all of the bosses in the game. There was nothing in the trailers to even hint at the potential of Scream and even when the cut scene is laying the ground for it, it’s still a massive surprise.
AdvertisementAs with the Venom fight – and Peter, Wraith, The Lizard and even Mr Negative – it comes with a lot of emotional baggage. Pete definitely wants to stop Scream, but at the same time he’s also trying to save her from the influences of the symbiote.
It’s the last boss fight before Venom, so it’s understandably tough and with four phases to make it through you’ll need to keep things going for a while. The alarms and pipes come in handy to give you the openings you need to get rid of the symbiote and get MJ back.
#4 The Lizard
After Sandman you have to play through around half of the game to get another one of the bosses, so when you finally track down The Lizard it’s a big moment. In all fairness, the fight itself doesn’t disappoint and with the added pressure of the wall jump attack it’s got a lot of impact.
Of all the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 bosses, this feels the most meaty with some crunching hits on both sides of the battle lines. Once you work out that you can trap it with the floor and wall panels, The Lizard becomes easier to defeat.
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#5 Peter
The fight with Peter as Venom comes on the back of defeating Kraven, so it gets a little lost. It’s a great boss still, but it would have stood out more if it had happened in its own mission.
Ever since the first gameplay reveal showed Pete being stroppy with Miles on the hunt for The Lizard, we’d suspected that Peter as Venom would be in the mix. In fact, we’d got it as a minor possibility for the final boss fight.
He’s not easy to beat, so you’ll need some good dodge and parry timing to stay in the mix, and then you’ll need to keep an eye on the bell to give you more opportunities for attack. The post fight cut scene is good too with Pete tearing the Venom symbiote off to free himself from its clutches.
#6 Sandman
The Sandman is the opening boss fight and with Flint’s massive frame it makes for a memorable introduction to the game. What it lacks in difficulty compared to the other bosses in our list it makes up for in sheer scale.
AdvertisementRELATED: Sandman boss fight Marvel's Spider-Man 2
It’s big impact and a great refresher on everything Marvel’s Spider-Man, so by the time you bring his big sandy chops down you’ll be back in the game and ready for the amazing road ahead to Venom. It also serves as the first introduction to the tag team action between Miles and Peter, which is one of the best elements of the MSM2.
#7 Mister Negative
Mr Negative is yet another great boss fight that will test you a whole lot more than Sandman, but it just doesn’t have the same visual impact. It’s also a returning enemy from the first game, so there just isn’t quite as much excitement as with the never villains.
The story connection to Miles works very well to give him more of a place in the narrative is crucial to how well balanced the game is. Without it, it would have seemed like Miles was the third, or even fourth wheel, but with it he becomes an integral part of it all.
#8 Wraith
Wraith is Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s optional boss fight and you take her on in the third The Flame mission, which sees you trying to stop a plot by diabolical cultist leader, The Flame. Like Mister Negative, she’s way harder than Sandman and it’s a real toss up between #7 and #8 in our list of bosses ranked best to worst.
The reality is that all of the bosses are good, and Wraith makes for a strong opponent with good moves and a unique style. However, it also lacks visual impact compared to Sandman and as an enemy Wraith isn’t quite as exciting. Maybe if she used her hooked chain to fire explosive barrels at you, or something similar, it might have been ranked a little higher.
#9 Kraven the Hunter boss fight 2
Last on our lit is the second fight with Kraven the Hunter. You fight him as Venom, but the true Venom with Harry inside, so you’re way OP in comparison. This is kind of cool, but there was a slight disappointment that Kraven gave up quite so easily in the end. He really needed some kind of final flourish, coming up with a new strategy to adapt to the higher power of Venom.
Instead, he just sort of gives in a little and this is a bit too much of a contrast to his hunter mentality. With a clever final strategy and more of a fight to the last mentality it would have been way more impressive. It’s still good, and a lot of fun to play as Venom, but that’s why we’ve ranked it as the weakest of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 bosses.
Obviously, lists like this are pretty subjective, so drop a comment on any of the videos above if you’d rank things differently. You can also let us know what you thought of the Venom fight as the final boss in the game.
You can also check out our computer games section to keep tabs on the game. Visit the official Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 webpage at for more details.