Oil on canvas, 100.5 x 81.4 cm
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon
The Royal Academy Of Arts has announced plans for the introduction of a new Manet exhibition for the beginning of 2013. Opening on the 26th January 2012, Manet: Portraying Life represents the first major exhibition in the UK featuring the work of Édouard Manet.
The French painter rose to prominence in the nineteenth century, bridging the gap between realism and Impressionism. His work has come to signify modern art’s proto origins.
More than fifty of Édouard Manet’s paintings will be on display at the exhibition, covering the full life-time of his career, along with a selection of his pastel work. It pulls together artwork from public and private collections from around the world to portray Manet’s influence in art history.
The exhibition will be arranged to explore Manet’s life and art in different sections. These include a focus on The Artist and his Family – his wife Suzanne Leenhof Manet and her son Léon Koëlla Leenhof – Manet and his Artist Friends, such as Claude Monet; Manet and his Literary and Theatrical Friends – Emile Zola, Zacharie Astruc, Théodore Duret etc. – Status paintings including Antonin Proust, and The Artist and his Models which features both female friends, Méry Laurent and Isabelle Lemonnier, as well as professional models, like Victorine Meurent.
Manet: Portraying Life will be on display at the Royal Academy of Arts until the 14th April 2013. Adult tickets for the exhibition will be £15, with concession tickets for £14 and student tickets for £10, which includes £2.50 for a printed gallery guide.