
How to get duplication to work in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

How to get duplication to work in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

There were a number of duplication glitches in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, but with version 1.1.2 the early glitches have been removed. There is one that does work with that version, though, which you can see with the video and tips below. However, if you haven’t been updating TotK then you can still use the others to get all the rupees you can ever need from selling diamonds or maxing out your topaz to swarm your way through the route to the final boss fight.

The problem was that it could be a bit tricky to pull off and if that isn’t enough it can also be dependent on environmental conditions, so it felt unreliable. This means that even if you did the right things it didn’t always feel reliable, so you end up convinced that duplication doesn’t work, but that’s not true.


There are a couple of methods to duplicate inventory items, so we’ll cover how to get them both to work better in the notes for each below depending on what version you’re running with. This should have you spinning out vast amounts of the materials you have, but obviously you’ll need to find the item in the first place to be able to replicate it. If you’re looking for some diamonds you can check out the guide below for some starter locations.

Where to find diamonds in TotK

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Version 1.1.2 duplication glitch

You can see in the video above that there is a version 1.1.2 duplication glitch that works. On the face of things it appeared to be dependent on getting far enough through the main story quests in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, but there is a way up to Tobios Hollow without making to the Construct Factory.

To get there the conventional way, you need to complete all of the Regional Phenomena, investigate the Ring Ruins at Kakariko Village and the ruins that you’re guided to after this. From there, you’ll need to complete Dragonhead Island and then when you get the mask to take down to the Construct factory you’ll unlock the specific location where duplication works, Tobios Hollow.


But… if you drop down the Hills of Baumer Chasm and travel east to the Muokuij Lightroot in the map image below, Tobios Hollow is directly above you. If you fly a balloon directly up from the platform just to the north of the lightroot and use a combination of speed up and endurance meals you can get high enough to climb up into the hollow.

Duplication Glitch location TotK

How to get the hold drop duplication method to work (Version 1.1.1)?

The first of TotK’s duplication methods is the hold drop approach. The idea here is that you get into a situation where you can’t hold items, hold them and then exit and sort at the same time to confuse the Nintendo Switch and replicate all of the items that you’re carrying.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom bosses

To do this you need to jump off a wall or block, go into glider mode and pause the game with the Plus button. Go to your items and navigate to the one you want to duplicate, hold as many as you want and then press B and Y at the same time.

You’ll then leave the pause menu and drop all of the items. Land and pick them up and you can check to see if it worked by either pressing up on the +Control Pad and navigating to the item or pressing the Plus button to see the full items inventory.


There are a few reasons that this sometimes doesn’t work, so fixing these will help you become more consistent. Firstly, if there’s too much going on in the The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom then the glitch can skip. To fix this, go to a different location.

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Jumping off the side of one of the Great Fairy Fountains, the wall behind the secret shop in Gerudo town, boxes in the Lookout Landing shelter or Mineru all work for us. If you find that you can’t get duplication to work, try one of these locations.

Another big reason for it to mess up is that you don’t press B and Y at the same time. If you slightly press one before the other then you can end up dropping the items, but not getting the duplication to work.

Practice having a soft and consistent press on both of the buttons at the same time to land it more often. Hold your thumb flat over to cover both buttons and press down with even pressure to improve this element of the glitch.


Another tip is to try changing to a different item or a different number of items. For some reason this can help to get things to work, but it’s more than likely to do with one of the other reasons we mention.

Finally, the hold drop duplication method seems to work best when you jump, go into glider and press pause at a good speed. If this is too slow then it can sometimes fail. practice the process and as mentioned above switch to different items or number of items until it works.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom armor sets

How to get the bow drop duplication method to work (Version 1.1.1)?

The hold drop duplication method is the best approach in The Legend of Zelda Tears of teh Kingdom, because it gives you more items for less time and it’s easier to get right. However, you can also use the bow drop approach, especially if you find the other approach isn’t working for an item.

For example, we were having difficulty with the fragment of Light Dragon Fang with the hold drop approach, so switched to bow drop to get numbers up a little before going back to hold drop for bigger impact.


The method works by holding ZR to start firing an arrow, pressing up on the +Control Pad and choosing the item you want to duplicate (for example a diamond). Press the Plus button to pause things and go to Bows. Drop the bow you have equipped and equip another bow. Un-pause and pause fast and then drop the second bow. Now when you un-pause and pick up the bows you’ll have one more of the item you attached to your arrow.

As with the hold drop duplication method, this can be tricky depending on your location, so try to find somewhere quiet to do it. Up on a hill in the middle of nowhere is good, but our preferred location is in the corridor for the entrance to the secret Gerudo shop, which you can see in the video below.

The method also requires you to be fast with the un-pause pause button presses to get it to work. Most TotK glitches need to be done in the right way, so if you don’t do it quick enough it keeps on failing.

That should give you a few things to try if you find yourself struggling to get duplication working in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. However, if you’re still struggling you can send us a comment over on Twitter.

Check out our full guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for more help to get the most out of the game. You can also see our computer games section for more news and features on TotK, or visit The Legend of Zelda website at

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