Aardman Animation completed their Christmassy animation feature film, Arthur Christmas, with Sony Pictures Animation in 2011 and it was an all star jingle fest. Set in the north pole with Santa Clause’s second son Arthur in the leading role, with the help of the voice of James McAvoy (X-Men First Class), it takes you deep into the heart of Santa’s workshop with some great CGI.
With Christmas in the 21st century, Santa’s present delivering operation is pretty high tech, but when technology goes wrong and leaves a sad little girl empty handed on Christmas night, Arthur (McAvoy) is given the mission to get her present to her come hell or high water before Christmas morning. With Gandpa Santa (Bill Nighy) and little elf Bryony (Ashley Jenson – Nativity, Extras) Arthur heads out with the gift and an old sled to complete the mission.
Arthur Christmas has a pretty significant cast behind it that includes Hugh Laurie as Steve, Arthur’s elder brother, Jim Broadbent (Another Year) as Santa and Imedla Staunton as Mrs Santa. If that isn’t enough, there’s also Marc Wooton, who also starred in Nativity, Eva Longoria, Michael Palin, Robbie Coltrane, Joan Cusack, Rhys Darby, Jane Horrocks and Andy Serkis.
The movie was written by Peter Baynam, who has been responsible for much less festive fun productions like Brass Eye, Borat, Bruno and Knowing Me, Knowing You with Alan Partridge, along with Sarah Smith, who directs the film. Sarah is probably most well known for producing The League of Gentlemen, so there has been more than enough comedy heritage pumped into the animated movie.
Arthur Christmas had a release date of the 11th November 2011 and based on the brilliance of Wallace and Gromit it had the same genius class of animators that has made Aardman Animations so famous. The trailer doesn’t really give too much away, being more of a teaser, but with a cute storyline matches and Cringly animated fun, Arthur Christmas could become a wintery hit machine for years to come.